National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities that are Major Sources (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart HH)
Applicability to crude oil and natural gas industry
Major sources.
Glycol dehydration units.
Storage vessels with the potential for flash emissions.
Group of ancillary equipment (pumps, valves, flanges, etc.).
Compressors intended to operate in volatile hazardous air pollutant service, located at natural gas processing plants.
Area Sources
Triethylene glycol (TEG) dehydration units.
Compliance information
Compliance dates for Major Sources: Small glycol dehydration units:
Commenced construction before August 23, 2011: October 15, 2015.
Commenced construction on or after August 23, 2011: Upon initial startup or October 15, 2012, whichever is later.
All other affected facilities at Major Sources
Construction or reconstruction commenced before February 6, 1998: June 17, 2002.
Construction or reconstruction commenced on or after February 6, 1998: Upon startup or June 17, 1999, whichever date is later.
Compliance dates for Area Sources
The area source is located in an Urban-1 county and commences construction or reconstruction before February 6, 1998:
The area source is located within any UA plus offset and UC boundary: January 4, 2010.
The area source is NOT located within any UA plus offset and UC boundary: January 5, 2009.
The area source is located in an Urban-1 county and commences construction or reconstruction on or after February 6, 1998: Upon initial startup or January 3, 2007, whichever date is later.
The area source is not located in an Urban-1 county, and commences construction or reconstruction before July 8, 2005:
The area source is located within any UA plus offset and UC boundary: January 4, 2010.
The area source is NOT located within any UA plus offset and UC boundary: January 5, 2009.
The area source is not located in an Urban-1 county and commences construction or reconstruction on or after July 8, 2005: Upon initial startup or January 3, 2007, whichever date is later.
Compliance dates for Area Sources that subsequently become Major Sources:
Construction or reconstruction of the area source commenced before February 6, 1998, and increases its emissions of (or its potential to emit) HAP causing source to become a major source: 3 years after becoming major.
Construction or reconstruction of the area source (except production field facilities) commenced after February 6, 1998, and increases its emissions of (or its potential to emit) HAP causing source to become major: Upon becoming a major source.
Construction of the production field facility area source commenced on or before August 23, 2011, and became a major source on October 15, 2012, due to the 2012 amendment to the associated equipment definition: October 15, 2015.
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