The Environmental Compliance Information for Energy Extraction (ECIEE) Portal is intended to help you comply with environmental regulations that affect the exploration/development, extraction, production and processing of on-shore crude oil and natural gas. The site includes overviews of the regulations and links to more detailed information and other resources that can help this sector operate in an environmentally responsible manner.

This website was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences. Funding for this project has been provided by EPA under the National Compliance Assistance Centers program.

EPA has posted several new resources relating to methane emissions from natural gas production and distribution systems:

  • The new Methane Hub includes links to variety of resources, including information on financial assistance.
  • Information on the STAR program, an industry-EPA partnership which developed the mitigation recommendations.
  • A page with links to Videos, including some striking demonstrations of how modern IR leak detection technology makes methane leaks visible. Methane Mitigation Technologies Platform, with links to recommended mitigation technologies for specific equipment types.
  • A Providers Directory, which users can filter by emission source type, mitigation technology, and specific services required.

EPA Finalizes Oil and Natural Gas Methane Rule. The oil and natural gas industry is the largest industrial source of the potent greenhouse gas methane and smog-forming volatile organic compounds. EPA provides a summary page with links to up-to-date information on current regulatory actions.

EPA and DoE Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector.43 projects across the country have been selected to help small oil and gas operators, tribes, and other entities across the country to reduce, monitor, measure, and quantify methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. The projects will involve upgrading production processes with both commecially available and cutting-edge equipment, better detection and monitoring methods, and better ways for the public to access data.


Well Production





Assistance Centers
Funded by EPA through a Cooperative Agreement


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