EPA Proposes Updates to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Requirements for the Oil and Gas Sector. Revisions to EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program required by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act would improve accuracy of the sector's reported methane emissions, one of the major drivers of climate change (more information).
EPA Finalizes Oil and Natural Gas Methane Rule. The oil and natural gas industry is the largest industrial source of the potent greenhouse gas methane and smog-forming volatile organic compounds. EPA provides a summary page with links to up-to-date information on current regulatory actions.
EPA and DoE Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector.43 projects across the country have been selected to help small oil and gas operators, tribes, and other entities across the country to reduce, monitor, measure, and quantify methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. The projects will involve upgrading production processes with both commecially available and cutting-edge equipment, better detection and monitoring methods, and better ways for the public to access data. |